Student Life at JIMS
JIMS Homoeopathic Medical College Campus & Culture

JIMS Hostel Mess facility
Life at JIMS is serene yet, energetic. Mornings are cool and fresh as, JIMS is amidst lush green pastures located on the backdrop of a pristine lake. A typical day starts at the dawn with holy chants, as sun rays peep through easterly frames.
There is an opportunity for a quick Jog, Yoga and some morning exercise followed by a sumptuous breakfast. A quick revision before class is possible if you are a stickler. Class begins at nine typically for an hour followed by labs, clinics or practical training for three hours. Typically break for lunch post noon. Post lunch there is good time to relax and chat with colleagues or visit library, mentor or a teacher before rejoining the classes.

You would be busy through the day seeking knowledge actively through; group discussions, interactive sessions, journal clubs, tutorials, reading sessions and queries sorting with teachers and mentors.
At five the day ends, it’s time for some quick snacks and refreshments before getting on with activity of individual liking. Sports, music, resting on lawn, taking a stroll, visiting a temple, or using a library is perfectly possible if you are residing on the campus.
A warm multi cuisine yet homely dinner awaits you before retiring to the rooms for daily studies. Warden provides personal touch with detailed understanding of each hostel inmate.
Life on campus is safe as community is gated with 24*7 security surveillance. On weekends it is perfectly possible to spend time with friends and family or go for an outing. On campus movie is favourite of students before they get ready for a challenging next week
On campus you are expected to carry yourself in a dignified way it is imperative to be courteous at all times in your conversation. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Narcotics, are strictly prohibited. At JIMS you are free to follow your religion yet, respect other’s faith. Needless to say, JIMS has zero tolerance for ragging, racism, gender discrimination, and believes “SHE” friendly policies. Getting well-versed with JIMS’s culture, norms, virtues and following them to core is the best way to live on JIMS.